Product Manuals
Diono manuals have been provided for all seats currently being produced. If an older manual is needed please contact Customer Service so we can ensure you get the most accurate manual for your seat.
How to find your seat information
Your manufacturing sticker can be found on the bottom or the back of the seat under the cover.
- Radian® 3R
- Radian® 3R® SafePlus™ English
- Radian® 3R® SafePlus™ Spanish
- Radian® 3RX
- Radian® 3RXT®
- Radian® 3RXT® SafePlus™ English
- Radian® 3RXT® SafePlus™ Spanish
- Radian® 3QX SafePlus™ English
- Radian® 3QX SafePlus™ Spanish
- Radian® 3QXT SafePlus™ English
- Radian® 3QXT SafePlus™ Spanish
- Radian® 3QXT® FirstClass™ SafePlus™ English
- Radian® 3QXT® FirstClass™ SafePlus™ Spanish
- Monterey® 6XT SafePlus®
- Monterey® 6DXT SafePlus®
- Monterey® 5iST FixSafe™
- Monterey® 4DXT
- Everett® NXT English
- Everett® NXT Spanish
- Monterey® 2XT LATCH
- Monterey® XT
- Cambria® 2
- Cambria® 2XT
- Solana® 2
- Solana® 2 LATCH
- Solana®
Travel Systems
Infant Carriers
- LiteClik®30 XT English
- LiteClik®30 XT Spanish
- LiteClik®30 XT French
- LiteClik®30 R / RX English
- LiteClik®30 R / RX Spanish
- LiteClik®30 R / RX French